It’s been a while, if you have noticed; or maybe not if you haven’t!

I have been meaning to write what’s been going on in my world but something always seemed to get in the way…and it’s something wonderful that got in the way…Yoga! Yoga was my first love before Ayurveda. (It brought me, many years later, to Ayurveda; which is unsurprising as the two share a strong connection.) For more than a year I have been immersed in the depths of yoga. Not the bendy-stretchy body bit (yes, that is part of what I am doing too), but an in-depth, beyond the postures part. And what a wonderful journey it has been and continues to be. As a student of yoga for so many years with a varied and at times haphazard practice (being honest here!), I never thought I would actually teach it. But, here I am doing yoga teacher training. Revisiting the less practiced parts (Pratyhara), going deeper into the teachings and philosophies and reacquainting myself with the more familiar pranayama and mudra; just like meeting old friends.

What this all means is that when you have a consultation, yoga is part of the plan I create for you to follow and I can now also offer to teach you the yoga that is the “medicine” for you. Really looking forward to offering this to clients and to classes. Beyond excited!

In the words of TS Eliot: “We shall not cease from exploration and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we began and to know the place for the first time.”

Firethorn berries

And so, it is Autumn time. And what a pretty display in the hedgerows this year. I couldn’t resist showing you the berries on the firethorn in my garden…the birds have already been helping themselves!

Cooler, shorter days are here again. This is the season mostly associated with Vata. It’s common to suffer dry skin and hair and pain in the joints as the cold winds blow in. To counter dryness in the body favour sweet, sour and salty foods and drink plenty of warming herbal teas such as ginger, cardamom, cinnamon. Eat regularly too; warm, cooked foods. Cleanses are good to do at this time of year as is Pancharkarma if it is needed. Having regular oil massages will help soothe any aches and pains.


For Autumn I am offering Abhyanga full body massage at 10% discount. Book a course of 4 massages and get 15% discount!

Abhyanga massage increases flexibility, improves immunity and reduces joint pain.






This is not medical advice – please consult with your GP / health professional if you have a serious health concern or considering taking herbs if you are pregnant.

For medical advice with an Ayurvedic doctor please contact me.